Our Pastor

Joshua Farrell has been in pastoral ministry for 10 years. He received his B.A. degree in Pastoral Ministry from Faith Baptist Bible College. His wife Bethany has a B.S. degree in Christian education with an emphasis in counseling from Faith Baptist Bible College.

Their greatest passion is to serve Jesus. Their heart throb is discipleship and their desire is to see the unsaved come to their New Life in Christ and for those who are saved to grow in their New Life in Christ.


They both came to Christ at the young age of four. They had heard about Jesus their whole lives having both grown up in pastor’s homes. From their parents, Sunday school teachers and grandparents they grew up hearing about Jesus’ death on the cross for their sins, and about how He rose from the grave conquering sin and death. More importantly They saw this new life in Jesus lived out before them by their parents and the Christians around them. But it was not until they were four that this really hit home for them and they realized this death He died, He died for them specifically. So respectively they accepted Christ as their personal Savior and began their New Life in Him.

As they grew in their walk with God they both began to experience the calling of God to full time ministry. During Sr. High camp at Iowa Regular Baptist Camp, they vowed to answer that call to ministry. Little did they know that just a few years later they would begin dating and eventually marry. They both love that they get to follow the calling God gave them when they were just teenagers. 

God has blessed them with five wonderful children. When they are not busy with ministry, they are sure to be found outside doing something. Their outdoor passions include: hunting, fishing, hiking, biking, kayaking, and gardening. They love to enjoy God’s beautiful creation together with their children.

Joshua and Bethany believe that God has called them to minister to this small Iowa farming community and are faithfully working with our church family to help individuals in the town of Adair to become disciples of Jesus Christ and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ.